Thursday, August 23, 2007

100 Things About Me

1. I love Jesus.
2.I am a mother of two boys.
3.I want 10 kids.
4.I have a hot husband.
5.I love roses.
6.My dream is to someday have a beautiful secret garden full of roses and hydrangeas.
7.I can’t spell. I ranked in the 30th percentile in school for my spelling skills.
8.I think I am a good writer…even if I’m not. J
9.I don’t lie.
10.I like my name, and I always have.
11.My biggest regret is quitting the basketball team my senior year.
12.I am obsessed with vacuuming.
13.I am completely disgusted by any hair that is not attached to a person.
14.My favorite drink is water. I can’t get enough of it.
15.I haven’t smoked in almost 3 years…and still consider myself a smoker.
16.I miss getting drunk.
17.I play games on my computer a lot. Every nap time!
18.I love sanitizing wipes. I use them to clean everything!!!
19.I honestly think my children are beautiful. Like seriously beautiful.
20.I judge working mothers. Not all working mothers, just the ones that think their career is more important then their children.
21.I believe that pit bulls should be outlawed as domestic pets.
22.I don’t like talking on the phone.
23.My car is a 99 Jeep Cherokee and I love it.
24.I would like to “flip” houses for a living… doing something I love and being with my kids 24/7. It’s my dream.
25.I don’t read my bible everyday.
26.I read People magazine. A lot.
27.I have extremely sensitive skin and can’t wear jewelry unless it is at least 24k gold/platinum/real silver…etc.
28.I don’t like my sister and actually think she is a bad person.
29.I love my parents in spite of their inability to love me.
30.I am sloppy. A very bad housewife!
31.I like being a redhead.
32.I think I’m a good driver. (And that everyone around me needs a lesson or two)
33.I can’t cook. My husband does most of the cooking in our house.
34.I read in the bathroom. Constantly.
35.I don’t mind changing diapers. (Boy I hope my hubby doesn’t read this)
36.I don’t have a lot of friends… but I have a few great friends.
37.Dancing naked in my living room has never appealed to me in the slightest.
38.I don’t think Brad Pitt is all that good looking. Now Jensen Ackles on the other hand…
39.If I met Brittany Spears I would probably tell her to “Snap out of it! Be a mom! Quit showing your goods all over the place! For Goodness sake!”
40.I buy 90% of my kids clothes at Walmart.
41.I would love a spa day. Like, today.
42.I would like to have a inground pool. Even though I live in Minnesota.
43.I want to live in Greece someday.
44.I consider myself Republican… but desperately wish I could be A-Political.
45.I like my handwriting. (Most of the time)
46.Spiders scare me to death.
47.I believe in giant squid. Like bigger than submarines giant squid.
48.I am scared of the ocean.
49.I want to live on water. :)
50.I chew my fingernails when I am nervous.
51.I don’t wear makeup.
52.I do wear glasses about 99.9% of the time. I would like lasik someday.
53.I haven’t slept through the night in about 3 years. I am often up at least 3 times.
54.I love nursing my baby.
55.I think I was a bridezilla on my wedding day, and I regret it.
56.I wish I was more organized.
57.I prefer to write with fine tip pens.
58.My favorite color is white. But I will only wear black.
59.I love French pedicures.
60.I don’t like Oprah. (I know, I know… I’m the only one in the world…)
61.I think Barbara Walters should retire.
62.Sometimes I watch TV shows just to be shocked and disgusted by their content.
63.I think my ankles are my best feature.
64.I would love to be a mentor.
65.I wish I could trust someone else to watch my kids. But I can’t.
66.I never wore braces.
67.I brought $40k of debt to my marriage. And my husband never knew. (He does now.. and it’s almost gone!)
68.We have three dogs. Two German shorthairs and a yorki/poodle mix.
69.I don’t need to have sex.
70.I hate sweat! (Unless I’m exercising, then I kinda like it)
71.I don’t watch American Idol.
72.When I take the kids for walks I try to see into the neighbors houses.
73.I don’t believe there is such a thing as a Christian Democrat.
74.I am not scared to die.
75.I am terrified of child predators. Molesters. Kidnappers. Any man I don’t know. And some I do. (Like seriously over paranoid and a little wacko about it!)
76.I think anyone that molests kids should have “it” cut off. If you know what I mean.
77.I want to be the fun mom on the block.
78.I love banana bread.
79.I love Reeces Peanut Butter Cups.
80.I think a woman is the most sexy in jeans and a white tee-shirt.
And no makeup.
81.I like Cowboys… like, REAL cowboys, are sexy. And men who fix stuff. And guys who aren’t afraid.
82.I think if you live in America you should speak English. No exceptions.
83.I like Canada.
84.I was never in a sorority, but I wanted to be really badly.
85.I didn’t go to college. (Hence, no sorority)
86.Two things I would change about me: my weight and my skin (I have very sensitive skin!)

87.I think I am a good friend.
88.I think my mom is fake.
89.I think my dad is really smart.
90.I think my in laws need to cut me some slack.
91.Someday, I want to write a book.
92.I wish I had someone to pray with everyday.
93.I wish I was a better example of Christianity.
94.I am calm under pressure.
95.I love being pregnant.
96.I love being a mommy.
97.I love being a wife.
98.I love being a child of God.

99.I believe Revelations are upon us.
100.I love you. Now go try and make your own list!

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